
A glimpse into the workings of the mind of an artist as an explorer.

This narrative is about increasing awareness of self while dealing with experiences of the remarkable.

Many aspects of the remarkable are intangible, invisible and as yet unprovable.

These explorations present opportunity to stretch the limitations of current perceptions, and this, I firmly believe, is the direction humans, both, individually and then united as humanity, need to go.

Expression emanating from the intangible, the invisible and the unprovable are not as yet acceptable for mainstream utilization yet each human has the opportunity to become open to the possibility of advancing in that direction.

The very nature of both creativity and intuition are the focus of attention within this narrative. Review and revision of these subjects are imperative elements for an evolving and an expanding clarity.

As narrator I pause. I have attempted numerous “Beginnings” such as the above. How is this expression to be different? It is to be different in that I will both attempt to narrate in real time while simultaneously making reference to various notes taken from personal art-related journaling.

I pause once more, recognizing that within this situation I am currently feeling some despair. I do not recognize a way through to relating the depth, the core of this narrative of the remarkable. Despite numerous attempts, none of the results have yet felt comfortable.

Might this be an appropriate time to present the part of the journaling that relates specifically to despair? The practical side of me argues that this would not be in the chronological sequence of the original explorations. Hmm. I contemplate.

This note might hint that despair was indeed somehow significant in the early phase of exploration yet that note is, well, maybe a little heavy without the introduction of more context. I will provide context by first describing some of the events prior to early exploration. Before describing those prior events, let us instead digress.

A Reshaping

by way of a sculpting journey,

offering both example and explanation

of the reshaping

of one human’s

awareness and actions.

A further reshaping is to be accomplished

as humans become progressively

a more united humanity,

moving forward

with more conscious awareness,

sculpting the future

of humanity and planet.

An intuitively focused journey

taking place

in a realm beyond the boundaries

of a presently reasoning mind.


the ability to acquire knowledge

without inference or the use of reason.

Without the current availability of reasonable proof,

speculation is introduced

to facilitate understandings

of an intangible intuitive.

As reason has served as a cornerstone

in the foundation of our system of beliefs

there is reluctance

to consider changes

to such a solid component

of our foundation.


There are times

when adjustments are necessary

to shift and to modify

the foundations

of that which we deem to be “reality.”

This intuitively focused journey

is presented

to serve as inspiration,

to assist

in the development of expressions of courage,

to point toward methods

through which

humanity and planet

might be moved

to bring about

a more balanced approach

to sculpting the future.

This journey

involves courage,


and an opening up

to that which might at first

be perceived to be impossible.

At some point

a leap will have to be made,

a leap requiring a trust

in personal abilities to deal with the intangible,

a leap involving stretching

as current beliefs are expanded.


you might not bother with all this.

The choice

is your choice.

For those continuing,

be advised

that only limited guidance

is available as we traverse

the fuzzy edge of reason.

The journey will be slow,

at times,


almost as often as moving forward.

At times facing mountain sides,

at other times, forests.

There will be traveling by canoe.

Paddles may not at first appear functional.

There will be exploration via helicopter.

There will be remote treks along beaches.

There will be hours, often days,

engaged in a sculpting journey.

We will take time to pause,

to listen,

to contemplate,

to bring personal meaning to the experience.

Let the journey begin.