Another note, another day another contemplation.
It does appear that a more unified approach to progressive improvements is consciously being addressed and developed. Unified…what does that mean? Simply put, participating as a unit, as one.
Improvements? Making things better in relation to a direction, a vision for a future. What changes would be more in line with our best interests? Where do we want to go? Good questions yet while we paradoxically pick up the pace, let us paradoxically pause and consider for a moment.
I suspect that this material, at some level, are ideas that we already know. Buried somewhere within ourselves we know of our powerful abilities. We know that major things are not going well on the planet and that it is imperative that we make major shifts in our behaviors. We understand that we should have begun making changes a long time ago. We have made some shifts. Yet, we have significantly more to do.
Things are desperate, maybe not in your back yard today, yet things are in dire need of very serious attention and change. You can close your eyes to some of the challenges, taking the attitude that it is not possible nor practical to get involved, that you will focus only on the situations close at hand. Sorry, that is just not going to work any more. I suspect that on another level you understand that that approach is not enough.
“Really?” you might say.
The reply is “Yes really.” You are an integral part of humanity. To appreciate our situation a little more clearly, visualize all of humanity as a single human being. Imagine if you, as a single human for example were “a middle” toe, the left middle toe of humanity, and humanity’s right arm has a major bleed. Unless something is done about the arm bleed, and affirmatively, efficiently and with a goal to maintain good health, well, middle toe, is also in big trouble, in deep trouble. Even distant parts of humanity are interdependent, critically connected to all the rest. If humanity as a whole neglects any parts of the system, the whole system is in jeopardy. This we must now recognize and address.