You may ask, who am I to be speaking out, to be expressing a personal perspective? What credentials, what authority, what credibility do I have? I have the same authority as you. I am one of the multitude of humans out there who make up this “Glob” of what we refer to as Humanity. I choose, for the sake of everyone I know, and for those that I do not know, to seize this moment as an opportunity to do something. I choose to share with and to care for Humanity. I sincerely feel you are worth the effort and I don’t intend to squander my opportunity.
I have been educated by life experiences to the extent that I know very little about quite a few things, albeit enough to feel comfortable I am more familiar with my own perspective than anyone else I know. I’m not saying I’m an expert, that is probably going to take, at the least, a lifetime.
Further, I do have artistic license to see things whichever way suits me today. Things may change tomorrow, We are living in a dynamic world.
I encourage everybody, every unique human, to express more of themselves in their unique way.
I currently envision as available, human abilities which many others might currently visualize as either improbable or impossible. I envision each person assisting others to spread harmony and caring throughout the Planet. I urge you to express more of your unique self, and soon. Do not miss this opportunity. The Planet needs you, now! Challenge and conquer the impossible while enjoying the journey.
I offer here observations, perspectives and the odd suggestion.