As I See It

And an additional perspective

Taken from notes penned while working on the piece.

As I See It

As I spend time with the sculpture I realize that the piece and the process of “letting it become” hold within, subtle essences of life.

So many “little truths” manifest themselves from within the sculpture and through the sculpting process.

To offer the viewer some insight into the kinds of connections I feel and see as I relate to the piece, I offer the following as impressions that have come to me.

Things may not be what they first appear to be.

As in life

Look within and you will see wondrous things.

As in life

All people do not see what I see.

As in life

One’s perspective, one’s point of view, alters what one sees.

As in life

We all have imperfections.

Don’t hide imperfections.

Deal with those imperfections you feel you are able to do something about.

All will improve.

Some things, some parts, are hard to get at.

Everything is connected.

Everything can change.

One can bring things to the surface or one can leave things buried.

Some things appear to be fundamental.

Work is involved.

Work can be pleasure.

One cannot plan better

than that which is there to be.

Wondrous things are fragile.

Balance is important.

Identity is often seen as an issue.

Completion is the direction.

Transition from one thing to another

is an act of trust.

One just doesn’t know for sure,

I certainly don’t know.

One must go beyond fear.

Trust and energy accomplish most anything.

One has the freedom to choose the emotion.

One has the ability and the freedom

to change one’s perspective

and thus one’s perception.

One’s unique emotional perspective

paints a unique personal interpretation,

yet the sculpture, the event itself

remains the same.

Passion has strength.

Belief has power.

Look closely.

Look generally.

One must remain vigilant

throughout the process.

Take time.



Don’t try too hard.

Life is a wonderful paradox.

I see a metamorphosis taking place in the piece and I feel a personal metamorphosis.

As I sculpt, I feel myself being sculpted.

Is it

“sculptor sculpts sculpture”,

or is it

“sculpture sculpts sculptor”?

Transformation? This driftwood piece was intended to be two interconnected paddles. It did not feel appropriate to carve two interconnected paddles. Rather than continuing with what the sculptor wanted to do there took place a personal act of surrender, a releasing of one’s grip on control, of going where he wanted to go. With presence, being in the moment of now, being in the flow, with the canoe, the sculptor now assists the sculpture to be whatever it is expressing to be.