must be able
to more accurately differentiate
between the various incoming signals to the mind
to the point of being acutely aware
of the resonating qualities
of creative intuitive expression.
It is imperative that humanity recognize
that current approaches to creativity
are impeding some of our highest creative contributions
available for the well-being of our planet.
Expressed here in a slightly different way, over emphasized, to some measure as an indicator of the elevated implied importance given to this perspective.
Presently, for much of humanity the concept of intuitive creativity resides in the realm of the “unreasonable.”
This intuitive creativity of which I speak appears to be sourced from…possibly…the infinite. What I suggest here is that humanity has the potential to source creativity from not only the Internet but also the Infinet. This Infinet is sourced via intuitive listening. To believe in this non- verifiable approach requires, to say the least, a stretch.
This action calls for a leap.