Being Out Of One’s Mind

Again from ongoing notes on the artist’s process, the sculpting process and the spiritual process.

I include these notes on my thought processes as they are indicative of the challenges of being continually, and consistently sensitive to “being out of my mind.”

I have the notion that there is a head space I can be in wherein I am not formally thinking. Knowing if one is in that head-space and to what depth is often elusive. One just does not know for sure. This non-thinking, or this low- level thinking state is not dissimilar to a thinking state. I am continuing a process of discerning and differentiating subtle differences. Adding to the challenge is the intangibility of verifying the mere existence of such a state in my mind. So now I am calling it a “state of mind,” this out-of-mind state. Should I say, “out-of-brain?” Without further attempt at clarification here, I continue with previous notes as I ponder the up and down aspect of the piece.

Another day

More carving, enjoying the piece and my imaginings of the various possibilities. I visualize the sculpture with legs on a raised base. At another time I see it balanced on just one leg on bearings so that it rotates in the slightest breeze. Aah, air movement with some of the pieces, I like it. I have also visualized it from the non-rock perspective, that is, without adding other stones. I imagine the perspective changing so that the “this side up” changes periodically. I feel comfortable just carrying on with the work I am able to see, able to do without holding onto a visualization of any particular finished frontal view. I am confident that a splendid format will gel as the work progresses.

The intellect is also involved in coming up with ideas. I am, as well, listening to these intellect-sourced expressions. At the same time I am listening for intuitive expression. The practice here is to internally feel for differences between intuitive, and subconsciously derived expressions. Both expressions are valuable human assets. “I feel comfortable” suggests to me that I was paying attention to my level of comfort. I was listening for either resonance or dissonance prior to taking action or making firm choices. “I am confident” suggests to me that I was trusting in the process. I suspect that firm belief in the reliability of the process may contribute positively to the outcome.

Another day

While in the process of carving “Cedar and Granite,” I am having an idea, or is it an image of a musical instrument, all or in part, carved into, or as part of, a larger piece of wood. This work would not necessarily be part of the series. I will look for the wood.

Again in retrospect, upon review and having acquired a deeper understanding of the revelations involving the finished piece, these notes too may be worthy of the reader’s, the experiencer’s, review.