Another note, sculpture journal entries.
Today I worked on the maple wood stump that included, embedded, a metal hood engine cover, probably from a Model T Ford. It looked as though the metal cover was being eaten by the tree.
I was under the impression that the piece was maybe going to speak about nature eating technology. I had the notion that I would possibly carve fingers and toes and maybe feet on the roots. As I was cleaning up the roots I noticed a body shape within the root structure. I was as yet undecided as to which side of the body-shaped root was to be frontal. I cleaned the surface of the root. From one perspective the back of a body form appeared on the left. From another perspective the back appeared on the opposite side. Am I to carve it in this form, or that, or both? After much soul searching and contemplation, a resounding…both! These are both very subtle yet reasonably obvious forms. As I continue to clean the root, two more forms have appeared, one male and another female.
A passer-by suggested the piece might be expressing something about intellect and spirituality. I agreed that that was a good possibility.
I continue. I am enjoying carving the piece. I feel that it is becoming a particularly good piece.
And another day
I carved. I moved a work-light. Suddenly the area to be cleaned up becomes much more identifiable. I stopped. I contemplate the situation.
As carving continues, contemplation too continues.
I recognize that I have not been present. I have been rushing to the future. Today as I carve to give more definition to another form within the piece, I begin to understand that it is of prime importance to be present and to relax about the finishing. There is still much to understand from the piece, if I take time to listen. I will patiently work and listen until the piece feels finished.
Another day
I am amazed!
I am practically overwhelmed! The beauty of the changing forms in the wood is breathtaking. I ask myself, “How do the sculpted forms transition so smoothly?” To me the piece has become wondrous. I am appreciative to be a participant in this unveiling. I am excited to have another piece to share with other people, and such an expressive piece. I am confident that others will see or feel indications of the expression.
Yes, recently, visitors have asked of “Transformation,” “Did you carve it or was most of it already there?” I chuckle to myself and wonder if they are going to get more of the subtleties available through minor shifts in their perspectives.
Amazing…and I am thrilled to be amazed…and the metal wheel rim has how many holes? Twelve, evenly divided. Signs of the zodiac? Months of the year? Is this coincidence? Intuitive expression? Not necessarily. Possibly.