Carving in My Own Bubble

Another day

As I carve I am struck by feelings surrounding the oddity of the circumstance I am in, paring away at this piece of wood. “How long have you been working on this?” I am asked. This question was asked as I was pondering the appearance of one end of this wood and stone piece. It has now been in the studio for about four months. I’ve been working on it steadily for about two of those months.

Yes, I admit to spending countless hours not being consciously aware of where the piece was going in terms of design or of subject. At times, this circumstance, this pondering is a novel concept to deal with. I am committed, absorbed and thrilled with the unfolding of the work. As well I am amazed at how much the sculpture has to relate while being so incredibly linked to my life and my personal growth and explorations. There is so much meaning to be derived, to be given, or to be received from the experience.

As a person having favored a practical intellect, I find that this esoteric “spiritual approach” to the sculpting process, as well as to life in general, comes across as paradoxical. I feel guarded, almost embarrassed about what I am doing yet I am excited and want to share with others the new-found power of the experience. I feel trepidation yet I also feel a rightness, a comfort in my approach to both sculpting and to the living of life.

I have a rural, out-of-the-mainstream perspective. As I read a popular sculpture magazine, I wonder if I am alone, carving in my own sculpting bubble. My focus seems so out of line with the apparent focuses I have been detecting in the media. I am struck that this personal sculpting process is not focused on product, nor on the conscious expression of personal viewpoint, nor does it appear to have a monetary objective, although I do appreciate and value money. I feel that I am connecting with personal purpose, almost with a duty and passion to express.

As life unfolds, I write about life, I write about a personal experience. What a glorious mind-expanding experience! What a challenge! I am anticipating the wonderment of all that lies ahead.

Another day

Today I plunge into “Cedar and Granite,” removing parts that previously looked essential, parts that do function yet may be keeping me from the depths of myself and from the piece. I see the piece unfolding for me. I am finding it as I go. I have been doing more work, expending more effort than I have probably needed to. It appears to be fear that is the prime element that is slowing the process. I am now becoming faster and yet more vigilant in my process. I will go slow to go fast.

Hey, I’m sounding a little cosmic these days, which reminds me there is a great comet visible out there in the night sky. I am sure it is a good omen! Ha Ha!

I have carved out more of “Cedar and Granite” cavity today. It is looking good. Lots of work to do yet.

Another day

As I am working with appropriate tools, working in an appropriate direction. I feel myself and the piece proceeding smoothly.

I continue to question which way is up with the work and continue to find various good ups. I look forward to my solution as I feel resolution will also be significant at some metaphorical level.

(“And so it was!” is my retrospective comment )

The opening, the cavity, the compartment is very exciting. The opening up is proceeding well and feels good. The lenses on my safety glasses are fogging up and I am the one that is fogging them up. It is impossible to see clearly with fogged lenses. More light on the subject would be useful…not to mention shining light in the appropriate places. The sculpture pieces are not yet grounded very well, not appropriately set up. For some reason I’ve stopped before the grounding process has been completed.

I am making great progress. “Cedar and Granite“ is looking great.