Coming Upon the Ear Bone of Whale

I take time to reconsider the appearance of the ear bone , which, according to my normal earthly perspective of reality, would have been collected by my friend numerous years earlier than when I picked it up from his shelf. This bone became integral as a coinciding incident. I chose at that time to consider that the coming across of this bone was somehow relevant to my exploration of the intuitive. “Cedar and Granite” was at the time the focus of my attention. The ear bone presented elements of whale and sound. The sculpture as well included elements of whale and sound. The similarities alerted my senses to attention. With focused attention came revelations. I was then able to digest the implications of this chapter of my sculpting explorations. The experiences of the sculpting journey was now providing the impetus to call into question the very nature of reality.

My present perspectives allow belief that there does appear to be intuitive connections occurring within to my personal explorations relating to the very nature of reality. In a normal linear sense the coinciding incident, the coming across the ear bone, had taken place about twelve months after I carved Confirmation. The event, the coincidental appearance of this bone as an element of my then present reality has influenced how my life is presently being experienced. I am becoming comfortable to consider that there is not only a possibility, now more a probability, that life may not be as linear as it has appeared to be.

This mind boggling situation initiates personal confusion as the experience of these coincidental experiences appears to be so improbable to be (normally) construed as randomly coinciding incidences. Our intuitive sense on the other hand does not find the “random” explanation acceptable.

I do not recognize in myself an on-board belief system to accommodate other interpretations of the experiences. I simultaneously experience feelings of discomfort brought on while experiencing the conflict.

Observation of intuitively appearing events present the possibility of entangled quantum expressions manifesting as intuitive coincidence in my local reality. yet arising via the Infinet.

I step back to compare and to possibly assimilate the concept of “quantum ideation” into the framework of personal experiences of the intuitive exploration journey. I now accept the notion that focused intention serves as a vehicle, moving the power of intention toward possibility, activating a portal to creative possibility. with a capacity to provide keys to unlocking resolution.

Personal observation points to the results having a high probability that observer participation influences resolving outcome.

Intuitive exploration’s observations similarly point toward correlations between explorer intention, intuitively sensed decision making and the intuitive choosing of elements of expression. Resulting expression too suggests a high correlation with an appropriateness of resolution to the originating, original intention.

The similarity observed between the defining characteristics of the expressed artifacts, the sculptures, support the concept that the sculptures serve as particularly appropriate, metaphorical elements of resolution to the explorer’s original intention.

I feel blessed to have had such an opportunity to explore life’s mysteries. I look forward to further explorations and further leaps.