Considering Our Buts

Beyond “That” beginning.

You are invited to look more closely at your but.

Prepare for a little thematic shape changing and transformation.

There is more to be revealed.

Relax and enjoy the ride!

It may take a few rides!

Considering Our Buts

Ah… those buts

for two real eyes

to realize.

There Is more to see!

On understanding

Our But, But, But, Butts.

As we take time

to observe the “buts”

which appear

and punctuate our conversations.

These buts we may find

are more than arbitrary gobbledygook.

These buts are about negation,

and serve as punctuation,

and offer subtle clues

to oneself and inclinations.

There is within,

method in their placement,

possibly shape changing and transformation.

Ah “but, so nonchalantly thrown off the tongue.

Although near and dear,

our buts

are far from our understanding,

and further from deeper appreciation.

Closer examination with a little feeling

may put us in touch.

Let us peer arrear,

under where our buts reside,

to reveal the hidden beauty

under where so often hides.

But but but.

So insignificantly thrown off the tongue

yet underneath we just might see

but under where Is but opportunity.

Let us look.

Take time to see.

If I could be so crass,

I suggest we take a moment

to contemplate,

to contemplate our buts.

It is a stretch

Look through your but

and you might see

from a less familiar perspective.

Is that a smile?

That is how your but appears from my perspective.

But do not be…shall we say…embarrassed.

This is not the object…ive of this examination.


you do demonstrate


But caution,

do not assume

this position of examination


or you may find yourself

off balance.


we will go there now.

We could use the exorcise.

But” you say most every day

I do not understand “

yet you do

under stand your buts every day.

But, I have other things to do.”

But, but, but

Buts are but opportunities,

much like wearing glasses

so that you might see more clearly.

Take time, observe behind.

Take a moment, be still.




Listen ever so slowly.

You then may begin to see

those buts are placed most appropriately

so that we might …under stand

that but is but beauty

In disguise

and can appear before your eyes.

To begin b.

Just be.

Be more.

B u.

In the middle is u.


between being regular u

and subtly.

That is to say…subtle t.

Now be you and connect to subtlety.

Go beyond subtle t.

Hear the sound of not so subtle t.

All together now… b u t.

Try it back word… t u b.

All is there,

there to be,

within your grasp.

That is, if you do not too tightly hold

onto you’re all too familiar…but

Be aware of your picking up of buts along your path.

Be aware that subtle beauty resides within,

or may we say…behind,

but understood.

I speak of conversation

if you have lost the plot.

It is easy to be distracted,

or find yourself attracted.

You’ll notice that a lot.

As buts they do attract attention

and you hear not from the ear

and do not take advantage

of all there is arrear,

of all there is too…be…here!

This poem as you might observe can be read from more than one perspective. Reality too can be interpreted from other perspectives yet only if one is prepared to loosen one’s grip enough to open to other possibilities.

Well, enough “entertainment”, time to consider the application of intuitive creativity toward making changes that might be in the best interests of humanity and planet. We move from poetry to resolving some of the challenges of the world, or maybe that is too much of a leap. How about settling down a little, contemplating such topics as; moving toward balance, leadership, complexity, and the tentacled glob?