Beware, be aware, take care, be consciously aware that there are an infinite number of rabbit holes out there.
The more rabbit holes one falls into and climbs out of the less time to focus on the subjects we choose to matter. Any number of these holes open up in the name of reason, or, as rampantly reckless curiosity. One could get incredibly lost on this journey and miss out on internalizing anything. Opportunity lost having no tension remaining within the original intention. I say this as much to remind myself to consciously maintain awareness regarding my own keeping on track.
There is the tendency to be reasonable, and that might involve expanding on subjects such as ‘feeling,’ ‘comfortable’ or ‘meaning.’ The list could go on and on.
There are an infinite number of slippery slopes and rabbit holes, and of course there are studies that could be done and committees that could be set up, all in the name of being reasonable, practical and or sensible.
And did I mention there is a tendency to gather more and more information before making decisions about such subjects as that of ‘”choosing to open to possibilities.'” Of course all these rabbit holes are very reasonable to investigate. Fortunately Human Spirit is willing to intercede with mechanisms that detect and signal that we are getting off track or off balance, that is if you are not too far down the hole. Alas, we certainly have other sense abilities available that would benefit further attention and tuning.