From Birth

Another note, another time

A synopsis, another perspective, another expression.

At some point during intuitive exploration, this condensed version of my perspective had “come to mind.” I scribbled it down on paper.


From Birth

Use reason

Be practical

Be sensible

Be normal.


I nourished reason

yet felt unfulfilled.

Piece by piece,


I constructed

my reality,


Human spirit,

my human spirit

was not about to accept compromise.

Many years I wandered.

I explored the high mountain.

I explored north and south.

I explored under the earth.

I explored under the sea.

I explored east and west.

I explored up in the air.

I explored the world academically.

One day it occurred to me

that I might explore intuitively.

A little over-simplified,

that statement.

For now,

let it

suffice to say

I seized the moment.

I chose to explore

beyond reason

wherever that might be.

I chose to explore

that which is not,

not verifiable by reason,

that which is


An impression formed,

Do sculpture.”

Surely this is not practical?

Surely this is not reasonable?

Is this an expression of the intuitive?

Again, I seized the moment.

I shall honor the intuitive.

Paddles came to mind,

unusual paddles.

I sketched the impressions.

I will sculpt.

I will not question.

I will turn down the volume

on reason,

on practicality.

The first paddle evolved.

Not very functional.

(In the usual sense of the word).

More sculpting,

the second paddle evolved,

two handles,

again not very functional.

What next?

I reviewed my notes,

two interconnected paddles.

I walked a beach.

I began to hear,

I began to feel

this piece was right.

Take it home.

It was down the beach,

It was wet,

It was cold.

I struggled with the weight.

I took it home,


thinking of what I would sculpt in the piece,

thinking it would become

two interconnected paddles.

I began carving.

I am not paddles” somehow came the message.

Yes, I agreed.

I released my grip on paddles.

I released my grip

on going

where I wanted to go.

I went with the flow.

I glimpsed a canoe.

I carved.

I listened.

There was more,

much more

I carved what became “Transformation.”

I saw a metamorphosis in the piece,


I experienced a personal metamorphosis.

I too was transformed.

I continued to explore the intuitive.

More pieces evolved,

further transformation.

Then stump with roots

and metal too

was drawn

to my attention.

Was this piece to join the sculpted group

or was it

soon to be terminated,



as humans clear the landscape?

I will extricate this piece.

This piece will join the sculpted group.

This piece

its upward growth

cut off,

sawn off,

growth arrested

not by tree’s intention,

but by human’s intervention.

And add to that

young tree altered,

sliced by steel.

Embedded still.

This youthful tree

put out new growth,

accepted steel into itself.

And wheel rim too

found upon the earth

gently encompassing

art piece to be.

Integral too

this wheel rim,

young tree

within its radius.


this piece

it feels appropriate.

It feels appropriate as well

that wheel rim

remain integral.



include the root.

There is an easier way,”

rational, clever mind chimes in.

Leave root unearthed.


it will be quick.

Remain above the surface.

Cut it there,

less fuss,

less work.

Do it!

Do it!”

Inner listening prevails.

Perspiration it entails.

Embedded metal,

rim of steel,

those were the first and main attractions.

Yet face to face

the roots I trace

the focus of my actions.

I thought of prime importance

was metal in this tree

only to discover

those roots

uncovered me.

This piece joined the sculpted group.

Body Parts” was carved.

Many parts.

Many perspectives.

More pieces were added to the group:

more sculpting,

more insights,

more revelations

till once more

I walked a beach.

I walked.

I listened,

a few kilometers,

until I found a special piece,

or it found me,

which in turn aroused intellect,

which helpfully suggests

Too heavy

Too much work

for thee.”

I paused,


Transformation” as a tree,

regarded as a

a heavy piece.

It all depends on me.

Reason placed its wedge.

All is relative.

I contemplated.

Time passed.

Five months I waited,


then found the strength to

dissolve the wedge,

to bring piece home.

This was the piece,

I felt that much,


what was its form to be?

I could not see

I could not see.

Oh goodness me

what would it be

this large sculpture

from a tree?

I looked.

I listened.

I felt

I wanted to be inside,

to get inside.

This piece was solid.

There was no opening.

I detected no visual cues.

I sanded.

I smoothed.

I softened the lines.


Put in more figures”

that intellect

helpfully chimes.

It has worked before,

other pieces,

other times

You will have another good piece.

You’ll have one more.

Do it.

Do It.”

I turned down the intellect,

explored listening,

not thinking.

I sanded.

I smoothed.

Time passed.

I felt

I wanted to make the opening,

an appropriate opening.

I listened.

I was to get inside,

to be inside.

I sanded.

I smoothed some more.

I looked,


no visual cue.

I waited.

I waited.

I waited

to know for sure.

I sanded and smoothed.

Four months I waited,


Was this not

the age of instant messaging?

Was I experiencing

a void?

Avoid a void,

I might have turned away.

Was I afraid?

I did not see


I did not saw.

I paused,


I started saw,

walked around the piece,

plunged bar into wood.

Chips flew!

Again I stopped.

I gasped.

What am I doing?

I wasn’t thinking!

I relaxed.

I listened.

I wasn’t thinking”

I continued.

I read the wood.

I read the signs.

Follow the grain.

Turn here,

connect those visual lines.

Now visual cues.

I carved,

smoothed and shaped,

made the opening,

crawled inside,

experienced resonance

within sculpture,

within self,

heard sound Inside,

much like an instrument,

I am an instrument as well,

to my surprise!

Now time to finish up.

Applied the oil,

stood back,


So abstract.

Is this my work?

For those artists that did those abstracts

I did not have the time.

yet as I now step back and look

I realize,

their work,

it is now mine.

Twelve more months

I ponder

wood and stone.

I listen.

I ponder.

This piece

it is

comparatively large.

Is there also something large

I am to understand?

Then across my path

there came a story

and with it bone,

ear bone of whale.

I brought bone home

for further contemplation.

For whale and sound

has “The Abstract” too.

I ponder.

I wonder.

I listen inside.

I listen for resonance.

Sound and whale,


and sound,

sound and whale,

bone in hand.

There is resonance.

I look around.

I listen inside,

and there…behold,


was ear bone of whale,

and before me too

in wood with stone

was ear-bone too.

Such beauty in that moment

sending shivers down the spine.

Listening with inner ear,

seeing inner ear,

feeling deeply touched.

And now


the openings,

the opening of “Confirmation.”

The opening to confirmation.

To metaphor.


the focus

to be inside.

To listen inside.

To listen

with an inner ear.

Something large all right.

I did not know

I did not know

I did not know


I know

That it is so.

Now I know


Balance comes,

balance goes.

Tide comes in

tide goes out.

Breath in,

breath out.

Go within


go without.