Another note, Another question.
How do we bring about, for ourselves and for the planet, significantly more and progressively more harmony, more dignity and more caring?
Begin with self. Practice being that which you desire for the planet. This simple suggestion is possibly one of utmost importance. This practice will have humanity participating in unity without even talking about it. It is also important to share with one another ideas concerning things that personally, sincerely matter. That too will make a significant difference. The sharing will inspire more caring and sharing.
And a method?
Listen to self for expressions of harmony and caring that are available within and respond from that place.
Deep listening, intuitive listening is capable of providing appropriate direction.
Individually, consciously we choose action in the direction of harmony and caring in whichever way feels appropriate. Move, clear the way, take actions in that direction.
Engage a practice of listening deeply, reaching progressively deeper into the depths of your being and bring your response from those depths. Become that response.
Humans are capable of so much more harmony and caring than they currently express. This begins to be accomplished as each person takes personal responsibility and accountability to contribute harmony and caring. Serving by example is a significant and a powerful action.
The current state of humanity does present its challenges.
As humans, being, we are infinitely capable yet we are not fully recognizing the extent of our capabilities, nor have we fully activated our courage nor our will.
A significant portion of humanity is presently disengaged from significant parts of themselves and do not present particularly good role models to each other. Humanity is working on it. It is happening. Humans are capable of engaging with themselves and others. With will comes engagement and with engagement comes will, all of which comes with trust and belief that even the impossible is possible when we are open to possibility.
Humans as composers
What is necessary?
What is required?
Humanity and the planet,
to be in harmonic resonance,
To be “Humanity,” the composition,
the music.
How do we get there?
Why would we want to?
The unifying of humanity.
A passion to be united in collaboration.
A collective unified vision.
A belief in the possibility of overcoming impossibles.
A progressively more conscious awareness and a sharing
of the things we are currently believing in.
A unified vision.
A progressive realignment of our beliefs
to be in harmony with our visions.
Continued actions in harmony with our visions.
Living as if the visions sincerely matter.
Assisting each other to be the visions.
Recognizing the importance
of moving toward balance.
Commitment to one another
as we are all One.
We are Humanity.
To care for oneself and all others
in alignment with unified vision.
Currently, pattern is recognized, resonance as well as discordance on both a personal and a global scale. I want to be constructive with these observations.
Personal discomfort is recognized and identified as signaling, as indicating that something requires attention.
Something within, possibly Human Spirit, longs for more than is presently being done. This deep passion does not want to accept compromise.
recognizing the value of balance, and the value of honoring the passion of spirit.
recognizing in the world a lack of compassionate conversation and a lack of unified action.
Leadership inevitably originates with the individual. Each of us must be willing to connect with inner spirit and then to release our response as creative action. Choose intention. Choose to identify components to be incorporated in the building of a framework for a global composition.
This is not the beginning of this building process. Many people are currently contributing with both passion and awareness to this vision. Many others work without a great deal of conscious awareness, many with little awareness. There are infinite ways to move toward a vision of an absolutely beautiful composition. Each harmonious contribution resonates and contributes with other harmonic contributions. Timing, too, influences both connection and collaboration.
This document is an exploration. This is “A Shaping of Awareness” and will resonate in its own time and with all those that are in alignment with contributing to such a composition.
Personal observation and a limited experience of the world indicates that individually and together humanity has the capacity yet is not effectively utilizing the tools, nor utilizing the focus’ of will to alter imbalance, to direct the course of change toward a much more harmonically thriving planet, a much more beautiful composition.
humanity and planet coexisting, thriving, and flourishing.
humanity as a stunning piece of music,
harmony and resonance filling our hearts.
Do your part.
Do your best.
Move forward.
Same question, and a response from a slightly different angle.
How do we bring to our planet progressively and significantly more love, harmony, caring, resonance and sharing?
A broad, vague question, simple, yet complex. Where might we look for an answer to this question? How and what would we implement to bring about progressive positive change?