How might I put notes and narrative together? It appears that I now write as though “we” are doing this together. I want the reader to be along-side as I put the pieces together. This perspective may assist the reader, the “experiencer,” in understanding more clearly the connections between the various subjects to be presented and their relationships to the whole.
As this narrative progresses, I will be be describing events as they took place. I visualize the reader becoming more deeply involved, and at times, becoming vicariously the experiencer, the sculptor.
How will I put notes and narrative together?
An outline of a chronological sequence seems like a practical place to start. Hmm?
First, an introduction. Why am I doing this, and what is this material about?
Some of the more remarkable events center around a period of sculpting a number of pieces of wood, followed by a more extended period of discovering or giving meaning to the pieces and the surrounding experiences.
Prior to that was the time leading up to the sculpting period in which there may be to the reader some commonalities with the experiencer’s life.
So much to do. Time to get started. Time to embrace the commitment.