Another encounter…an intuitive encounter ?
The words “the tangible notes” remind me of a knock at the door. A young person is standing at the door. “Are you Jim? I don’t know why I’m here. A fellow at the north end of the Island suggested I visit with you.”
I have had numerous situations like this so I invited her to come in for a cup of tea. As she walked into the kitchen she pulled a number of small stones from her pocket and said, “I don’t know why I have been collecting these,” and she handed me one of the stones. They had been naturally formed in the shape of hearts. I suggested that we take our tea to an outside alcove.
The alcove was decorated with a collection of heart-shaped rocks.
The visitor explained that she was from the Interior region of the province, several hundred kilometers away. She had had a dream…The dream that said, “Go to Quadra Island and see? x?x?x”…She didn’t catch that part of the dream. Months later, while going to a workshop on the Sunshine Coast, and having a few days before she had to return to the Interior, she decided to follow what she referred to as her “dream guidance.” I interpret that as a possible expression of the intuitive.
She came to the Island, then stopped at a store to purchase a local phone book and a map of the Island. Someone unsolicited, she recalled, leaned over her shoulder and pointed to a lake on the map and said, “You should go there.” She sat outside and glanced through the newly acquired phone book of several hundred entries. In the “A” section she came across a small business ad that included the name “Jim,” the Jim associated with Regional District matters. This caught her attention.
Might this have something to do with recycling? She wondered. She was involved in recycling in her home community. She dialed the number and got an answering machine. She left some sort of message about recycling. She looked at the map of the Island. Without other clues as to what to do, she headed out on a half-hour drive to the trail-head for the lake destination suggested earlier.
On this rural island there were maybe only a couple of dozen driveways near and on the way to her intended destination. She noted one sign with the names “Jim and M.” She said something clicked a little yet she was now focused on her dominant intention which was in heading to the trail-head. As it turned out, she got a little confused and lost her way.
She eventually came across someone working in a garden and received directions and a welcoming invitation to return for tea after the walk to the lake. On returning from the lake she accepted the invitation to tea. Conversation soon turned to “What are you up to here on the Island?”
The story of the dream, the phone book, the “Jim” person, the map and the small sign by the roadside were all related. I am sure there was a second cup of tea. The attentive listener, the gardener, had a suggestion. “You might go see Jim at The Bluffs.” The map came out, the course was set, and it was off to Jim’s. That brings the story back to the knock at the door, and a heart-shaped rock placed in the palm of my hand.
It did not take long before I was making a connection to the possibility of another intuitive encounter. I was known to be connected to stories of intuitive listening and it was now my turn to take my part in the unfolding. With the assistance of a group of wood sculptures, a story, including accounts of intuitive listening, was told. This young person returned to her home with, I am sure, an expanded appreciation that there was possibly an elusive “something” both to listen for, and to pay attention to. I suspect that an honoring of the intuitive will continue to play a prominent role in her daily living.
A few weeks later, another related incident.
Four people walked down our driveway and introduced themselves. Although they lived on the island they had never been out this way. They had seen a sign at the top of the driveway indicating that my son and his glass workshop were located nearby. They asked if he was available. I said that he was not here, yet they were welcome to come down to view the ocean passage. They introduced themselves as living toward the north end of the Island: we are “Jim and M” and these are our two daughters.
Was this meeting a woo-woo serendipitous random event?
Another note
A coinciding incident occurring a number of years later.
This story begins with a young person temporarily staying at our home. He is to leave the following morning. I had not mentioned to him much in the way of references to my particular interest and explorations of intuitive listening. I had, though, mentioned in passing that I did believe humans have a unique and powerful sense ability and that we as humans have not yet readily accepted nor utilized the sense ability to full advantage. Our guest had not chosen to pursue this line of discussion.
Because I have come to follow a perspective, a belief that life’s events are not totally random, I was curious as to why this person had appeared in our lives. He had come into our lives via a request from other people to assist. We had opened our doors. We had allowed it to happen. As I believed I had my part to play in this encounter, I visualized what I felt to be the most appropriate intention I might attempt to resolve. Before this person left our home I would attempt to explain to him my personal intent to relate views regarding intuitive listening as useful, powerful and available for our utilization.
In the course of the afternoon as we worked together I directed him on the completion of a small project. On this completed project I had taken a felt pen and written “Paul did this” and said to him that periodically I would look at this and remember him. I drew his attention above his head to a pipe upon which another person had taken the liberty to write their name and a date in chalk. I then walked to a table from under which I pulled an oddly cut piece of wood.
This piece of wood I have utilized for a procedure involving a router tool. The wood piece had been under this table for at least ten years. On this piece had been written “Grant did this.” The lettering had become obscured and challenging to read. As I had a felt marking pen in hand, and as our young guest watched, I reprinted “Grant!” We laughed.
About a half hour later I suggested we take a short walk of about fifty meters to a container within which was a sculpture that I wanted this young person to see. I related a story about this sculpture, “Confirmation” as the sculpting experience of this piece had led to the confirmation for me that indeed there was an incredible force to which we could connect and utilize. No sooner were those words out of my mouth than I was interrupted with a ringing from my pocket, an incoming call on my cell phone. As I answered I turned to my guest:
“It is Grant, calling from Ireland!” I had not connected with him for a few years.
Just thirty minutes prior to his calling I had re-written his name on that piece of wood. Our house-guest was experiencing coincidence, serendipity in action. What a beautiful way to have my intention resolved, and for myself at least, confirmation reconfirmed, solidified.