I’m Possible—Stretch

A reMINDer

That this material

involves explorations at edge of reasonable

and is intended to provide opportunities to increase the openness of mind,

where exercising the “IMPOSSIBLE” muscles

Stretches the IMPOSSIBLE

To become

with only a little Imagination


Allowing consideration of concepts

foreign to a rigidly reasoning mind.

Recognition of the existence of some mental tools

stretches the limitations of our capacities of perception.

It is through the expanding of the limits of perceived abilities

that we are able to more fully utilize the senses available to us.


potentials of our sensory capacity.

! S t r e t c h !

and contemplate.

What if

the shaping of sculpture has the capacity to give rise to a shaping of our awareness?

! S t r e t c h !

What if

sculpture gives rise to a visual expression of the availability of a realm of intuitive capabilities?

! S t r e t c h !

What if

releasing one’s grip, to a degree, on one’s faculty of reason, one opens pathways for the flow of knowledge beyond that which is available to the reasoning mind?

! S t r e t c h !

What if

more conscious attention to listening within assists in moving toward balance?

! S t r e t c h !

What if

this shaping of our awareness provides tools with which to bring more of a sense

of harmony and of balance to the world?

! S t r e t c h !

What if

current approaches to creativity are impeding our creative contributions to the well being of our planet.

! S t r e t c h !

What if

thinking” within its current definition, may be exceeding its usefulness.

The definition of thinking would be expanded to include intuitive listening as a legitimate aspect of thinking.

This is not to suggest “not thinking,”


to think inclusively, intuitively.

! S t r e t c h !


! R e l a x !

Details are in HisStory.


all these

random” events,

highly improbable,

astronomically improbable,

yet validly real and occurring

within the conscious awareness

of this observer, this experiencer,


A question

posed for consideration.

With a similar intuitive approach,

utilizing a similar set of techniques,

is a similar yet unique result possible?


with genuine intention,

with an attitude of possibility,

with intuitive listening,

with tuned attention for harmonic resonance

for pattern recognition.

Is the manifestation

of particularly appropriate intuitive expression

a probable outcome?


Be prepared for essence

rather than specifics

in response to intention.


with refinement of approach,

with skills to incubate intuitive expression,

with continued nurturing of intuitive expression

combined with original intention

something that matters

is combined with

the application of intuitive ideation.

Something that matters

is combined with

particularly appropriate action,

is given a tension,

is attended to

and results in creativity

appropriate to a path to resolution,

to that which sincerely

and actually,
