Intuitive, Worthy of Focused Attention

Remarks on an intuitive approach.

As I put together this material, my intent is to offer descriptions of events and occurrences to support my assertion that the intuitive is very much worthy of our focused attention. This material is presented with the intention to stir others towards being more curious and more willing to open themselves to progressively more of their own intuitive listening.

A challenge to opening to intuitive listening is that we are dealing with a realm of our being that is as yet, not well accepted as a credible reality. I am not able to prove that there is something to listen for. We are not able to touch it, to prove that it is there. I have had the privilege to experience an exploration that included tangible objects and have written notes that offer some understanding of a process, my process. A group of sculpture and connected experiences provide for myself, physical, tangible expressions that point toward the availability of a powerful sense ability presently residing at the edge of currently acceptable perceptions.