Humans do have the capacity for a very positive attitude, even belief…We will do it!
As an artist, with credentials, I am writing here to paint or possibly to sculpt a verbal picture, expressive of one perspective, with the vision of stirring others toward doing their parts to fill in the gaps, to touch up and add to the picture, to have each of us take affirmative action, and then continue to do more.
At this point we might want to ask, what action, and how do we take action?
Humans, appear to have some built in desire to survive, to reproduce and to thrive. As propagation and thriving succeeds there emerges curiosity to explore and understand, to make sense of anything and everything. The accumulation of understanding leads to exploration towards the application of understanding. Expression of understanding is revealed in the form of description and then innovation built upon often diverse applications of those understandings. We require creativity of all kinds.
These curious creatures, Humans, have stretched and developed their capacity to think in their effort to store, to navigate, and to manipulate their understandings. Humans have developed media devices, in particular the computer, serving fellow humans as a replicator of, and an extension of, our abilities to think, to store data and to communicate. Humanity is achieving amazing feats, expanding and replicating aspects of self. These developments have become staggeringly successful achievements yet not without numerous subtle and significantly challenging omissions causing serious repercussions (Another subject for another time, today it is looking like another rabbit hole). Humanity’s expansion of thinking is not as yet demonstrating itself to have developed enough to stave off the deterioration of more subtle inabilities to cope with the challenges facing self and the planet. Complicating matters, there are creatures besides humanity that have their own on-board drives to survive, to expand and to thrive, to reproduce, and to keep their kind from extinction. Each creature has their individual strategy which at times undermines the health of humans, and in extension, undermines all of humanity.
There’s more, humanity has inadvertently contributed numerous self destruct mechanisms.
Adding further to the challenges, humanity is engaged in its own unnecessary and unhealthy behaviors. Humanities’ multitude of crises have often been self-inflicted. With all its success’, the mass of humanity is observably not totally healthy, and the planet shows signs of seriously deteriorating health.
There comes a point, a time, for humanity to step back and carefully observe itself, take responsibility and partake in unified, immediate and continued actions to care for itself and the planet. At this juncture in humanity’s existence, annihilation of our species is a distinct possibility.
Humanity, in these sentences, is sounding very much like a being that can, for instance, ‘step back.’ As an analogy that may just be a very useful perspective from which to look at humanity, as if it were in essence a single, unified being.
We humans, if unified, acting together what would we do?