Our Constructions of Verbal Communication

A note, on speaking to one another.

A very common yet very unnoticed “common” sense is utilized by each of us daily as we engage in the act of, or should we say, “the intuitively creative art” of producing coherently appropriate cohesive verbal expression. We incorporate our inner listening sense as we are speaking, as we converse clearly and precisely to one another.

In speaking, the source of this common sense is intangible and elusive and for the most part under-appreciated for the stunningly amazing art form that it is capable of being. Humans have yet to recognize, understand and utilize the power of thoughts and word choices coupled with clear, appropriate and sincere, intentions.

Our everyday use of our intuitive sense has for the most part gone unnoticed, passed over without the insightful recognition nor examination of this common and breathtakingly beautiful sense ability.

With awareness humans become progressively more sense able, more able to be in touch with, and to utilize wisdom?

By sense able, is meant simply being able to make use of our senses. Senseable, may be a useful word to incorporate into our vocabulary.

One should not abandon “thinking,” Allow a deep listening as well, as a compliment to and as an element within the thinking process.

And “deep listening,” for lack of a more descriptive term. What might this term describe? What does this process include?

Deep listening involves giving attention internally, probably within mind including body, being particularly open to possibility, and accepting for the moment whatever happens, whatever up-wells, as possibly being opportune, appropriate and significant.

Thinking” on a very basic level may be considered as mental activity. So what would be “that which is “not thinking?”

Not thinking might possibly be inclusive of, and attention to the space and time between our thoughts.

Being “senseable” is not merely about thinking and deep listening simultaneously, rather it is an expanding of our notion of thinking as a multidimensional, inclusive engagement in respectful conversation within the mind, an opening to engagement with available inner wisdom.

Using the term “inner” wisdom is not to imply an inner source, more a non-specific place of up-welling. The emphasis here is directed toward the process of, an attitude of listening, and of giving meaning to that being resonantly expressed from within listening.