Remarking, Intuitive and Listening

At times I pondered, at other times I questioned, then there were times when I stepped back from the swirl of outer life happenings and allowed the inner space to become quieted, especially removed from the incessant chatter of active thinking. I listened without expectation in that quiet space. During those times I have experienced the remarkable.

This sharing is part of my response, remarking on the remarkable, doing that which feels appropriate. Now does that not seem like an appropriate thing to do?

On the other hand, a practical side of my brain is not at all convinced that this remarking, this sharing is a good idea.

‘”Be reasonable, be practical.” This message, too, booms out loud and clear.

Maybe the Internet will offer some clarity, to possibly reaffirm or to offer some form of comfort.

What comes up when key words such as “intuition” are Googled?


Wikipedia might be a good start

Intuition is the ability to acquire knowledge without proof, evidence or conscious reasoning, or without understanding how the knowledge was acquired. Different writers give the word ‘intuition’ a great variety of different meanings, ranging from direct access to unconscious knowledge, unconscious cognition, inner sensing, inner insight to unconscious pattern-recognition and the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning. There are philosophers who contend that the word ‘intuition’ is often misunderstood or misused to mean instinct, truth, belief, meaning, but rather realms of greater knowledge and other subjects, whereas others contend that faculties such as instinct, belief and intuition are factually related.”

Well, does that clear things up for you the reader?

I’m not convinced that I have clarity or affirmation. I continue to look for something that makes sense to me.