Intention is matter not yet materialized.
Visualize this as a possible scenario.
Intention encourages vibration to matter to become manifest The intensity of the intention affects the ongoing sustainability of specific in-tension and thus influences the probability of the availability and the detection of appropriate outcome.
Specific intention encourages more specific expression to materialize. Specific intention expressed has the potential to specifically express as matter, resolved vibrational in- tensions of that intention
The initially emitted intention is attracted to resolving vibrations that would most appropriately satisfy or move us toward resolution.
Resolution will be particle appropriate, that is to say, particularly appropriate…particle appropriate matter.
The uniquely developed life experience of the intendor of the specific intent, the “pointilator” of the specific intent, the one making a point of the specific intention, has speculatively, inadvertently condensed the vibrations to a point, consisting potentially of possibly zero mass and infinite acceleration within, then beyond space and time.
A creative formation has manifest, available to intendor, resolution to nullify the specific signature frequencies of originating intention.
The result, a form, a matter of creativity. This is creativity manifesting. Matter materializes.
Matter, speculatively once more, shaped beyond both space and time, allows resolution to be deposited, made available in the past, future or the present. (This concept is a speculative explanation to propose possible credence as to the currently unexplained timing of serendipitous events.) I speak here while considering the item I found on the beach walk, the item that I found on a dusty shelf and further ended up being held in my hand, the hand of the sculptor.
Matter is shaped in a “domain of potentiality,” the Infinet.
Instantaneously, spontaneously, elements of intuitive expression are materialized, and are now available as opportunity, to lead the intendor toward resolution.
Matter is shaped and manifested by a point that matters. Conscious awareness with intention does this. You, with conscious awareness, do this!
This speculation of course may be challenging to get one’s head around yet daily, we humans utilize a multitude of forces that initially exceed our abilities to fully comprehend.
Humans are as infants at an early stage of evolution. We understand very little about very little.
We do have at our disposal the power of; wonder, imagination and vision, with which to speculate. We can make even better use of our wondrous intellect. We can explore and we can leap.
It is at our peril that we put off the applying of concerted efforts focused toward immediate advances in our abilities to immerse and then to stretch ourselves in further explorations. Intuitive listening provides the beginning of a framework of development towards which to proceed.