Stepping Back

I step back momentarily to review and to once again clarify personal intention. A central focus of the composition has been to introduce more humans to one person’s personal experiences that have led to a rather non-mainstream perspective on intuitive creativity. Background and details describe a multitude of phenomena experienced which point to coinciding incidences holding high probability of connection to creative process. A series of what at first might appear to be random events, collectively suggest the presence of subtle forces of creativity in action. Rather than focusing on conducting studies to prove or to verify the “as yet unprovable” I suggest individuals engage in personal explorations. Personal bias and fallibility are and will be ever present, yet persistent attention to conscious awareness will assist explorations in intuitive creativity. Individuals will focus on demonstrating personal leadership as they pursue expression of their unique creativity in tiny, seemingly insignificant increments. These expressions may at times be somewhat flawed, seldom reaching a point that revision would not improve, yet these efforts are surprisingly powerful. Expression is being practiced. This expression of “SHAPE AWARENESS, SCULPT THE FUTURE”, “Internet to Infinet,” this shape changing expression, is meant to model the potential of what at first might be considered a seemingly insignificant personal intention. The intent is to practice holding intention while expressing actions from the heart of one’s being. This action simultaneously releases in- tension. The planet will be well served by such action.

If you have a suspicion that we have gone in some kind of a circle and you have heard all this more than once you are without a doubt correct.