Note, another up-welling expressed and transcribed.
The thoughts, the happenings of these particular times of intensive exploration are a little hazy. I return to journal notes as a means to recall more precisely the transitions, choosing relevant portions of those notes written in earlier times, with minor editing for clarity.
I came across a few very rough sketches that I had made before any of the wood gathering or carving had begun. Images, ideas relating to sculpting began coming to mind. I scratched down a few notes and sketches. My sketches appear as primitive. My previous art-related experiences were more that of a technician as I worked to achieve my objectives.
I didn’t understand why a paddle theme had developed. Was this was the thinking of the marketing, product-oriented part of me? I had been previously involved in the decorator art market. I would have probably wanted to carve a stylized image of a whale, wolf, eagle or some such West Coast creature on the blades of a couple of small and medium-sized practical, flat blades, at least that is what I would have visualized as “paddle art” product.