The Universe Responds Efficiently and Appropriately in the Direction of Resolution

Appreciating that humans have busy, complicated lives, and are constantly listening for, then choosing, both consciously and subconsciously how they partake of their valued time, I contemplate. What might assist in providing more inertia for a leap?

Might a solution be simple? A familiar phrase from the halls of knowledge comes to mind. “The universe will seek out the most efficient solution.This statement is often stated in reference to the reduction of the “laws of the universe” to relatively simple expressions. Imagine that available from the realm of the Infinet, are particularly creative steps toward resolutions, selected from, let us for simplicity say, an infinitely vast array of possible resolutions. Responses to the resonance of your intentions appear to be selected from possibly the most compatible, most appropriate resonance toward resolving and in turn dissolving the tensions of originating intention.

Trust for the moment that this special response will in all likelihood far surpass the workings of clever brain and internet. This moment of now, is the critical moment of opportunity to expand the limitation of current perceptions. Currently available perceptions do point in that direction. To open to possibility opens to humanity the possibility of a paradigm shift.

Simple steps in that direction are; to turn the switch from “impossible on” to “possible’ on,” to trust, and to shape awareness toward detecting resonance, to relax and to go about daily life trusting oneself and trusting that integration in its own way is possible.

Attend to an attitude of progressively shaping awareness. Consciously maintain open-minded intentions in tension. Don’t slack off so to speak. Share intention with others as feels appropriate. You do not have to seek. Relax. Little by little, or possibly all at once, you will recognize and give meaning to experiences that feel somehow resonant. You will find that you are recognizing and assimilating your sensitivity. This is not to you a new sensitivity. This is rather, a sensitivity towards which you are now choosing to give more of your attention. You are attending to your sensitivity.

You are choosing to listen for expressions of resolution to your intention. You are choosing to be open to the possibility of resolution from beyond the reasoning mind. Speculating of course, as we do not yet appear to have proof, you are allowing the universe, or whatever you choose to speculate as the source, to express, given the infinite number of variables, the simplest solution toward your intention. You are trusting that the expression expressed and received leads towards resolution appropriate within the bounds of your abilities to interpret and to utilize. Expression points toward essence of resolution, expressed within the context of the unique filters of your reality.

As you use your sense ability you find that against all odds you are sharing your unique gifts with humanity and planet. You are, despite how challenging things look at times, demonstrating trust in humanity’s ability. You are open to the concept that the smallest changes in behavior have the potential to influence huge changes in future conditions, both personal and global. This is a goal worth moving towards, the most beautiful vision imaginable for both humanity and planet.

You are expressing your love.