Thinking May Be Overrated

Now, a good time to give our attention to “thinking”.

The future of thinking,


Art fullness

It is not what and how you think,

although it is.

It is as well

the harnessing of underutilized human potential.

Thinking” has become unsustainable

as currently defined.

Thinking as currently utilized is exceeding its usefulness

to the point of being an unsustainable process,

an unsustainable process within its normal definition.

Thinking, as currently defined,

is not enough.

To think harder,

to apply divergent thinking

is not enough.

Do we fear the loosening of our grip on reason?

Do we fear losing touch with reality?

Maybe we need to loosen our attachment

to that which we currently perceive to be our reality.

It is necessary to revisit our foundation,

to check our grounding and our wiring,

to check we are grounded appropriately,

to reassess the concreteness of our foundation,

that underlying base

from which structures and concepts of reality

are based,

are developed,

and are expanded upon.

The releasing of ourselves from the dominance of thinking, while simultaneously taking on an expanded view of the present boundaries of our reality, requires our courage, our commitment and our trust that we have the ability to access, to humanely direct and to progressively refine this powerful aspect of ourselves. Releasing will contribute substantially to bringing about more of the positive changes we now must envision for the planet.

Consider the absolute abundance of information available today. Consider that despite our current abundance and our current approach, humanity continues to struggle.

As information becomes available, so too dilution, pollution, subversion and dis-ease continue to contaminate our clarity and our ease of utilization of information. How are we to deal with the contamination of information?


Thinking, our reliance on, our focus on, our bias toward thinking up solutions may very well be inhibiting the very creativity that would be of greatest assistance to humanity on its journey.

And what sort of creativity would be of greater assistance to humanity?”

Consider the possibility of utilizing a creativity based on wisdom, which might simply be understood as good common sense. Initially it may not be readily apparent that there may be good reason that wisdom is in part described as “common sense.” Our intuitive sense ability is a common yet under-recognized sense.