This narrative follows an exploration of both intuitive listening and intuitive expression. Humanity is presently, without full awareness or effective presence, sculpting the future of the planet. However, we have the ability to act more effectively, more passionately, more responsibly, and with increased awareness, as custodians of this planet. Sculpture is one avenue available for the raising of our state of awareness. My sculpting journey and accompanying narrative present elements having the capacity when activated to raise personal awareness. Awareness takes place through a focused presence, combined with an understanding of the availability and the significance of under-utilized sensory tools. It is time to make use of more of our personal sensory capacities, which will in turn assist humanity in assisting itself.
Although available to all, inner listening is an under-utilized latent sense ability. Recognition of the existence of such a tool may at first stretch our boundaries of perception. It is through the expanding of the limits of perceived abilities that we will be able to effectively utilize more of the senses available to us.
I have come to believe that through an exploration of the intuitive by way of my sculpting journey, I have made a connection with a source of information beyond the presently accepted boundaries of the reasoning mind. This source of information does not appear to be random, but rather, a source of information pertinent to both the receiver of intuitive expression and the projector of initial intention. I trust that this narrative will assist others in identifying and subsequently affirming the availability of connection with the elusive realm of intuitive creative expression. Although these statements may at first come across as wild and unusual, I would prefer that they be considered as at the edge of currently held acceptable perceptions.