To Whom Do I Speak?

Who is my audience?

To whom might I be addressing? Who might take interest in entertaining an artist’s observations?

  • Possibly persons having an inclination, or desire to do something more toward contributing positively to both planet and humanity.
  • Possibly persons questioning personal life direction or looking for impetus’ toward tangible forward movement.
  • Possibly persons curious as to the workings of the mind of an artist.
  • Possibly persons curious to understand more of the subtle aspects of other human’s natures and to more clearly understand approaches leading to their behaviors.

This particular journey toward a shaping and a reshaping of awareness involves the expressions of a strange animal commonly referred to as an artist. This artist smooths and shapes pieces of wood. This smoothing and this shaping has apparently led to observations then realizations related to powerful attributes available through a conscious utilization of intuitive creativity.

I propose that an upgrading of our personal operating systems is in order, that “time be taken” to reassess that which we currently believe. To consider replacing beliefs that appear to work against our collective best interests and to incorporate new ideologies that will better serve a renewed perspective on reality.

At this point cautious reader skepticism might be considered a reasonable visceral reaction.

This narrative is a “taking of time” to consider and entertain possibilities overlooked and under valued within our current understandings and belief systems. A new awareness is available to be utilized in both shaping and reshaping ourselves as we sculpt the future of our planet.

“The Shaping of Awareness Journey” strives to identify a vastly underutilized creative sense ability available through conscious utilization of a stunningly amazing realm, the Infinet.

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