Only after putting together much of this material have I as novice writer step back to ask myself, Who might I anticipate to be my audience “To whom am I speaking? What am I speaking about?” I ask myself for simple descriptions of my topic.
Intuitive creativity
An artist’s explorations
An artist’s perspectives
A Shaping of Awareness
A re-shaping of our awareness’
I am fascinated and excited about a powerful yet underutilized sense ability that we humans possess. It is seldom talked about, never mind focused upon. Having had the privilege of having my own awareness shaped thru my glimpse of the power of intuitive creativity I feel compelled to share the experience, all the while appreciating that this topic has, so to speak, prickly edges that will have to be handled with a good deal of sensitivity.
As intuitive creativity is identified I will be suggesting that “Intuitive creativity is possibly one of the most neglected, misunderstood yet one of the most powerful assets currently available to Humanity. Increased awareness of the up-welling of creative expression may provide pivotal access to particularly appropriate ideation for Humanity’s thriving, evolution, and possibly it’s survival”.
I again ask myself a question, then attempt to manipulate the written word to materialize yet another sculpture. The written word has not been this artists consciously chosen medium.
To Whom Do I Speak?
Whom is my audience?
Who?…Who?… said the owl!
Whom might I be addressing? Whom might take interest in entertaining an artist’s observations?
- Possibly persons having an inclination, a desire to do something more toward contributing positively to both Planet and Humanity.
- Possibly persons questioning personal life direction or looking for impetus’ toward tangible forward movement.
- Possibly persons curious as to the workings of the mind of an artist.
This particular journey toward a shaping and a reshaping of awareness involves the expressions of a strange animal commonly referred to as an artist. This artist smooths and shapes pieces of wood. This smoothing and this shaping has apparently led to observations then realizations related to powerful attributes available through a conscious utilization of intuitive creativity.
At this point cautious reader skepticism might be considered a reasonable visceral reaction.
This artist proposes that an upgrading of our personal operating systems is in order, that “time be taken” to reassess that which we currently believe, and, to consider the making of changes in regard to those beliefs that appear to be no longer serving our best interests and, to incorporate other beliefs that better serve new perspectives of reality.
This narrative is a “taking of time” to consider, to entertain the possibility of overlooked or under valued attributes within current perception, within current beliefs. Awareness’ surfacing in regard to both shaping and reshaping ourselves as we sculpt the future of our planet.
The artist, the sculptor, the writer presents perspectives as one who has come to suspect life to be rather miraculously structured… with possibly the occasional randomness tossed into the mix.
“The Shaping of Awareness Journey” strives to identify a vastly underutilized creative sense ability available thru conscious utilization of a stunningly amazing realm, the Infinet.
Positively Influenced Change
With Planet Earth facing significant challenges. Planet Earth and specifically Humanity it might be suggested would benefit with personal operating system upgrades, personal revitalizations of an underutilized, particularly powerful, and particularly creative sensibility.
This narrative is presented as incentive that might lead toward the making of globally positive changes. I am confident that positive changes would be useful. Appreciating that even a story may be helpful I feel compelled to begin to contribute to what could be another element of what might lead toward a chain reaction, a movement towards critical mass, a tipping point, a hundredth monkey, whatever it takes to move us progressively toward positively influenced change for Planet and for Humanity.
We begin this story at birth, a fitting place to start. As this story unfolds there will be much skipping around and retelling. I include that statement as a way of asking permission to retell and to address topics, subjects, more or less, as they come up. I point to interconnections as connections come to mind. The story includes various perspectives of single events. These perspectives may appear as if they have come from the journals of a person living very near the edge of reason and that is not far from the truth. That is precisely where it is necessary to go on this, a journey at the edge of reason, a journey at the very fuzzy edge. There are both shorter and longer versions of these stories. I will be providing further perspectives including both, and possibly a few other versions.
Evolution with Increasing Awareness
A meaningful experience…an experience full of meaning.
It is said that we live life forward and understand it backwards with each of us shaping uniquely personal meanings as to our experiences.
Humans have the capacity to engage much more creatively than we currently demonstrate.
Humans have available within, abilities to engage much more creatively and in doing so have the potential to bring about much more harmony and much more thriving for ourselves and for our environments.
If Humanity is to evolve with increasing awareness, we as individuals must too evolve with increasing awareness.
It is my wish that each of you bring personal meaning to this story, these words, and then engage and express, contributing to both an even greater vision for, and an even more meaningful reality for Humanity and Planet
The current intention of this human is not to prove the availability of resonant intuitive expression in response to human intention as that task is currently unattainable no matter how many examples are provided of astronomically improbable, coinciding incidences presented as mathematical anomalies.
This written expression does not provide proof of anything. This human, instead offers by example, approaches by which others might refine their personal approach to such an exploration, should they be courageous enough to explore to the very edge of reason, then reach, possibly leap even further, expanding the boundaries of their current perceptions.
That is what explorers do.
The strategy here is to familiarize humans with approaches that appear to lead toward creative process. This strategy offers opportunity for a shaping of awareness of activities that appear to be conducive to recognizing possible responses to “expressions of intention”.
Our human sense abilities have the potential for much greater acuity than we presently realize, much less utilize or imagine. This strategy presents processes through which to expand the limitations of our current perceptions.
As one becomes attuned to the nuances of an unfamiliar sense ability, confidence and success has the nourishment and the opportunity for growth.
A Shaping and a Reshaping of Awareness
This is but a glimpse of one persons’ journey.
This narrative is about increasing awareness of aspects of self while dealing with experiences of the remarkable.
Making things possibly more interesting and yet more challenging, many aspects of the remarkable are intangible, invisible and as yet unprovable.
Both narrative and personal exploration involve explorations at and beyond the edge of reason. These explorations present opportunity to stretch the limitations of current perceptions, and this, the writer firmly believes is the direction each human, both, individually, and then unitedly as Humanity, needs to go.
Expression from the intangible, the invisible and the unprovable are not as yet acceptable for mainstream utilization yet each human has the opportunity to open to the possibility of advancing in that direction.
The very nature of both creativity and intuition are of significant focus of attention within this narrative. Review and revision of these subjects is imperative to an evolving and an expanding clarity.
As narrator I pause. I have attempted numerous “Beginnings” such as the above. How is this expression to be different? It is to be different in that I will both attempt to narrate in real time and simultaneously sift, sort and remark on the remarkable while making reference to various jottings lurking within the mountains of previous journaling.
I pause once more recognizing that within this situation I am currently feeling some despair. I do not recognize a way through to relating the depth, the core of this narrative of the remarkable. Having made numerous attempts, none of the results have yet felt comfortable.
Might this be an appropriate time to present the part of the journaling that relates specifically to despair? The practical side of me argues that this would not be in the chronological sequence of the original explorations. Hmm…?! (contemplation)
This note might hint that despair was indeed pivotal in the early phase of exploration yet the note is, well, maybe a little heavy without more context. I will provide context by first describing some of the events prior to early exploration. Before describing those prior events, let us instead digress.
A Reshaping
By way of a sculpting journey
Offering both example and explanation
of the reshaping
of one humans’
awareness and actions.
A reshaping is to be accomplished
as humans become progressively more,
a united Humanity,
moving forward
with increasingly more conscious awareness,
sculpting the future
of Humanity and Planet.
An intuitively focused journey
taking place
in a realm beyond the boundaries
of the currently described “reasoning mind”.
As Wiki would, in part, describe” intuition”
“the ability to acquire knowledge
without inference or the use of reason”.
Without the current availability of reasonable proof,
speculation is introduced
to facilitate understandings
of an intangible intuitive.
As reason has served as a cornerstone
in the foundation of our system of beliefs.
there is well founded reluctance
to consider changes
to such a solid component
of our foundation.
There are times
when adjustments are necessary
to shift and to modify
the very foundations
of that which we deem to be “reality”.
This intuitively focused journey
is presented
to serve as inspiration
to assist
in the development of expressions of courage,
to point toward methods
through which
Humanity and Planet
might be moved
to bring about
a more balanced approach
to sculpting the future.
This journey
involves courage,
and an opening up
to that which might at first
be perceived to be impossible.
I trust that
descriptions and explanations
will assist
in alleviating some trepidation.
at some point
a leap will have to be made manifest,
a leap requiring a personal trust
in personal abilities to deal with the intangible,
a leap involving stretching
as current beliefs are expanded.
you might not bother with all this.
The choice
is your choice.
For those continuing
be advised
that only limited guidance
is available as we traverse
the fuzzy edge of reason.
The journey will be slow,
at times, numerous times,
almost as often as moving forward.
At times facing mountainsides,
at other times forests.
At times there will be traveling by canoe.
Paddles may not at first appear functional.
There will be exploration via helicopter.
There will be remote treks along beaches.
There will be hours, often days,
engaged in a sculpting journey.
We will take time to pause,
to listen,
to contemplate
to bring personal meaning to the experience.
Let the journey begin.
All Humans Are Sculptors
We Are All Sculptors
Remarking on the Remarkable
Young person
Absorbs cultural norms.
perceptions of reality.
Over time,
while modeling cultural norms
feels discomfort.
illusive inner dissatisfaction.
Over time
anxiety grows,
viable resolution
remains absent,
Life continues to unfold.
Unconsciousness prevails.
Dissatisfaction grows.
Over time
awareness stirs.
a glimmer of insight,
a crack,
an opening.
Detects “presence.”
Detects availability of expression.
Expression surfaces in mind
“Explore inner expression”
“Explore intuitive”.
“Do sculpture”
Devoid of alternative,
devoid of practical resolution
embraces concept of engagement
in exploration of inner listening.
An intuitive journey begins.
An intuitive sculpting journey begins.
possible meaning to aspects of the experience.
personal awareness’ through the experience.
Awareness surfaces,
awareness of a powerful sense ability.
powerful implications for Humanity.
Humanity fine tuning and utilizing this sense ability.
to share essences of the experience,
remarking on the remarkable.
to embrace sense ability.
to sculpt this journey
utilizing the medium of words.
connecting with an illusive intuitive sense.
as to the nature of this remarkable sense ability.
a possibility,
humans unified.
a unified Humanity
utilizing the intuitive.
the power of intention.
going beyond habitual behaviors.
strategies for changing behaviors.
Humanity as integral to a composition,
a beautifully creative composition
Humanity being intuitively creative.
contributing to this vision.
connection to the remarkable.
for the remarkable.
for resonance expressed in words.
that which presence presents,
that which presently matters.
“remarkable matters”.
Remarkable becomes manifest.
Remarkable becomes tangible.
Remarkable becomes matter.
That is remarkable.
Who Is This Guy?
And whom might you ask am I to be speaking out, to be expressing a personal perspective? What credentials, what authority, what credibility do I have? I have the same authority as you do. I am one of the multitude of humans out there that make up this “Glob” of what we refer to as Humanity. I choose, for the sake of everyone I know, and for a lot more of those humans that I don’t know, to seize this moment as an opportunity to do something, to share with and to care for Humanity. I sincerely feel you are worth the effort and I don’t intend to squander my opportunity.
Besides all that, I must tell you that I have been educated by life experiences to the extent that I know very little about quite a few things, enough to feel comfortable that I am more familiar with my own perspective than anyone else I know. I’m not saying I’m an expert, that is probably going to take at the least, a lifetime.
Further, I do have a license, artistic license to see things whichever way suits me today. Things may change tomorrow, We are living in a dynamic world.
I encourage any unique human, and that includes everybody, to do more of their own thing to express more of themselves in their unique way.
I currently envision as available, human abilities which many others might currently visualize as either improbable or impossible. I envision each person assisting others to spread harmony and caring throughout the planet. I urge you to express more of your unique self, and soon. Do not miss this opportunity. The planet needs you, now! Challenge and conquer the impossible while enjoying the journey.
I offer here observations, perspectives and the odd suggestion.
A Cautionary Note
This material
may be
Ordinary human
without credentials
carves and smooths wood
Gives meaning to sculpting experience
Believes humans possess latent powerful abilities
Believes the impossible possible
Believes in the possibility of Humanity united
Believes Humanity capable
Believes Humanity ready
Believes small actions make a difference
Believes Humanity and Planet
are currently a rather discordant composition
have the capacity to be
a progressively, much greater, more beautiful,
particularly creative composition
to be
played and celebrated
Imagines an absolutely beautiful composition.
Imagines the feeling of experiencing such a composition
a breathtaking, absolutely exhilarating experience.
Imagines Humanity as the creative source of that composition.
Imagines Humanity and Planet to be that composition,
to be the music,
to be the collaboration,
a global composition.
join in
Tune your instruments.
Maintain your intentions.
Become the vision.
(Note: I highly suspect that an even greater, an even more in depth understanding of this material will develop as the story unfolds.)
Imagine An Amazing Mind
Imagine a mind, much like your own yet possessing additional, particularly refined, amazing characteristics. Imagine an intuitively active mind. This mind has the ability to consciously express intention with acute awareness, and in doing so, to transmit in the form of specific vibrations, personal intention that sincerely matters.
The transmitted intention is directed toward and connects with a vast non-local field of vibrating potential somewhere beyond the reasoning mind.
From that vast field of vibrating potential a particularly appropriate, simple potential that would move one toward resolving the tension of the specifically transmitted personal intention, will, from that vast non-local field, reciprocally vibrate a particularly appropriate response with an appropriately harmonically resonant signature. The simple, harmonically resonant potential resolution is in some way reflectively transmitted to placement within the vicinity of the original transmitter of the intention.
The resonant, potential resolution creatively attaches itself to something, or some situation, becoming an appropriate resonating something, somewhere within a field of influence available to the expressor of the original intention.
Although the communicated resonant potential resolution arrives in an unpredictable form, and is deposited among an infinite variety of forms, the original expressor’s mind, that amazing mind, has trained itself to be open to detect, even in unpredictable forms, the presence of harmonically resonant expression.
The mind of original expressor of intention is fine tuned to listen for and to recognize resonant vibration and to openly focus attention toward whatever might be that now available resonance.
That amazing mind maintains an openness to listening, both consciously and subconsciously for any presence of resonance which may in some way be acting as a vehicle for vibrations of resolution to the originally expressed intentions. Upon detecting resonance, receiving mind mentally sifts through previously acquired, experiential data to locate, to give meaning and to give relevance to the resonant expression.
Mind’’s artful approach incubates expression along with personal data in order to connect, to construct, and to express relevantly meaningfully in formed information.
To a mind unfamiliar to the workings of “amazing mind” the concepts described above may appear to be confusing, possibly daunting, or possibly shear crap. Relax, details will be explored and explained as this journey unfolds.
The processes inherent to “amazing mind” are very similar to the processes of both conscious and subconscious thinking mind yet are able to access a far more vast field of possible resolution than that usually available within the experiential data available to thinking mind. The “normal” thinking mind tends to focus on diverse local sources of experiential data. The intuitive transmitter of intention has infinitely greater access to possibility and is therefore able to detect particularly appropriate, and often relatively simpler expressions of resolution to intentions that sincerely matter to the transmitter of the original intention.
What If?
What if you could tap into a mega computer,
which has the capacity to respond to you,
and deliver,
make available to you,
very relevant responses
to your attentions and intentions?
said speculatively in another way;
What If?
What if it is possible
A change in the electrical field of mind
influences a magnetic field of knowing?
What If?
What if, being in the moment of now
while holding a non locality of mind,
tuning for resonance,
while holding intention
and belief,
allows access to
particularly appropriate expression
through which
of expression into information
provides insight
to transform insight into appropriate actions
to create
affective resolution of intention?
Yes I do believe this is going to take a little bit of explaining, and yes, a good deal of patience. We will work on this together. I would certainly not have put myself through all this effort if I suspected these insights would be of little value.
This Narrative
This narrative follows an exploration of both intuitive listening and intuitive expression. Humanity is presently, yet not with full awareness, not with effective presence, sculpting the future of the planet. Human beings have the ability to act more effectively, more passionately, more responsibly, and with increased awareness, as custodians of this planet.
Sculpture surprisingly, is one avenue available for the raising of our state of conscious awareness. This sculpting journey and accompanying narrative present elements capable of assisting in the raising of personal awareness. Awareness takes place through a focused presence, along with an understanding of the availability, and the significance of underutilized sensory tools. It is time to make use of more of our personal sensory capacities, which will in turn assist Humanity in assisting itself. Presently, vastly underutilized, inner listening is relatively latent as a sense ability although it is available to all. Recognition of the existence of such a tool may at first, stretch the limitations of our boundaries of perception. It is through the expanding of the limits of personally perceived abilities that we will be able to affectively utilize more of the senses available to us.
I have come to believe that through an exploration of the intuitive by way of a sculpting journey, a connection has been made with a source of information beyond the usual and beyond the presently accepted boundaries of the “reasoning mind”. This source of information does not appear to be random but rather, a source of information particularly pertinent to both to receiver, and to that same projector of intention. Such belief has become manifest through a sculpting experience. I believe that this narrative may assist others in identifying and subsequently affirming the availability of connection with a presently elusive realm of particularly creative expression. The statements above may at first come across as “out there”. I prefer the statements be considered as “at the edge of currently held acceptable perceptions”.
The descriptions of the sculpting process presented throughout this sculpting exploration may very well hold the potential to provide insight as to both, means and methods by which others might choose to relate to their unique life experiences.
In Regard to Sculpture Journal Notes
We begin with the utilization of sculpting journal notes. These notes are presented in a separate script typeface to indicate that they are taken from journal entries. These tend to be earlier notes written while traversing the edge of reason.
The writing is about inspiring the upgrading of our “Personal Operating Systems”. This writing is about recognizing that we are all sculptors. This writing is about sensory tools that are available to us.
This writing is about showing up, tuning up, and turning up the volume of our senses as we sculpt the future of our planet. This writing is about giving tangibility to both personal and global opportunities with which to work in resolving current and future personal and global challenges.
These notes, this narrative, is intended to inspire the making of upgrades to our personal operating systems, specifically the making of changes that will assist in moving Humanity closer to realizing the greatest visions that Humanity is capable of envisioning for both itself and Planet.
Upon writing these introductory paragraphs, there is trepidation.
“Might this introduction be a real put off?”
The reasoning mind is quick to question? “Is this the work of some weirdo with a lofty new age vision?”
Yes that could be a real put off”.
“This project is too much to take on and there is little likelihood of completing it. This is a project for an accomplished writer. Do you need a reminder that, as well, you know yourself to be a master of numerous unfinished projects?”.
Yes I do agree yet I am able to remind myself that I don’t need this negativity right now. This is not the time for a reasoning mind! This is a time to re-mind myself, to turn down the volume on that kind of reason. This is a time for sensitivity and listening. I feel compelled to share notes and narrative, to share experiences and remarks involving events that to me have been truly; remarkable, timely, relevant, and insightful.
I accept that there are challenges ahead, yet feel energized to contribute in some positive way to Humanity and Planet which is, in turn, on a personal level assisting in my moving forward.
I move slowly, tentatively, I feel dangerously close to the edge of reason. I close my eyes and keep from looking too far ahead. I imagine simply, as a possibility, these notes coming together, and slowly, the project happening.
The voice of reason on the other hand recognizes an opportunity…
”Oh you are so naive. You have no idea how you are going to put these notes together, no idea how you are going to make things coherent and interesting, never mind stimulating and inspiring”.
I ponder the situation.
I Continue to Begin
So let us look at how one might put notes and narrative together
It appears that I now write as though “we” are doing this together. That appears to be the perspective I would want to present, a perspective of having the reader be along side as I put the pieces together. This perspective may very well assist the reader, the “experiencer” in understanding more clearly the connections between the various subjects to be presented and their relationships to the whole.
As this narrative progresses I will be be describing events as they took place. I visualize the reader becoming more deeply involved, and at times, possibly becoming the “experiencer”, becoming momentarily,
and vicariously the sculptor.
So how will I put notes and narrative together?
An outline of a chronological sequence seems like a practical place to start. Hmm?
First, an introduction…Why am I doing this, and briefly, what is this material about?
Some of the more remarkable events centre around a period of sculpting a number of pieces of wood, then a much more extended period of finding, or of giving meaning to the pieces and the surrounding experiences.
Prior to the above was the time leading up to the sculpting period which may reference some commonalities to those of the experiencer’s life.
Oh so much to do. Time to get started. Time to embrace the commitment.
Why Am I Doing This?
Earlier in the sculpting journal note taking I had not given a great deal of thought as to why I was writing things down. I suspect it was an attempt to understand for myself, or to give meaning to what the heck was going on in my own life, to use journaling as a tool to assist in making some sense of things.
As I contemplated, as I reflected, I recognized the beginnings of a story, and of stories within stories. As life and sculpting events became more and more remarkable, the impulse to remark gained strength. I felt compelled to share, yet I did not understand, never mind attempt to articulate, that which I was feeling compelled to share.
I ask myself why am I feeling compelled? An answer surfaces in the mind. It is a desire to share an exploration of that which is not verifiable, that which I believed to be beyond the realm of reason. Uncertainty as to the existence of a realm beyond the reasoning mind has transformed. Over time, the compounding of experiences of exploration have allowed me to stretch thin the tether of “old reason”. I wish now to share the new perspectives, as the acceptance of such is the acceptance of an expanded view of reality. The implications of this new reality are stunningly immense. I really mean that. I mean the implications are Really, REALLY BIG!
I begin to recognize that the personal realizations could, with expression, have positive repercussions, influencing in subtle ways the perspectives of others. I believe that expressions of these personal realizations have the potential to provide positive influences leading toward new understandings of aspects of evolution of both Humanity and Planet.
I believe that there is an underutilized source of intuitive expression available which appears to be particularly appropriate to specifically expressed human intention. The source of expression appears to reside beyond the current bounds of expressions available to the reasoning mind. The source or sources are accessible to Humanity if humans are able to release themselves from the bonds of currently entrenched perceptions.
The mission is clear, the task is rather formidable.
I do not as yet see the final shape of the writing, which I have chosen to approach and to view as a new sculpture in an unfamiliar medium. From the unusual wood sculpting experience I have now, having had the sculpting experience, more comfort with the attitude that It is OK that I don’t know exactly what the new sculpture, the writing will be, and that I don’t know how these words will express themselves. I do feel some degree of comfort with my current choice of approach yet I am not at all free of apprehension.
The approach is to begin with those things with which I am currently comfortable and to see what happens while disregarding my blank stare at the parts of the equation that I do not yet understand or yet visualize.
Broadly speaking, I have come to believe it is possible that as Humanity becomes both progressively more aware and progressively more united, that Humanity has the potential to bring into reality a strong movement towards Humanity’s “greatest imagined vision” for the planet.
To realize a common vision, both Individuals then Humanity will have to grow and change behaviors and of course to have and to hold a united vision. Growing will involve first identifying, then releasing ourselves of currently held beliefs and behaviors that are no longer in the best interests of neither Humanity nor Planet.
It is my intention to inspire the mobilization and the utilization of an expanded approach to creativity, and further to inspire mobilization of deeply creative actions towards Humanity’s greatest vision.
This writing is meant as a means of sharing personal experiences that others might experience, might recognize their own similar, yet unique experiences, that others might connect with an aspect of themselves that although, through recorded time has remained very illusive, is available for connection and utilization.
Another Day, Another Perspective
taken again from journaling notes
I proceed with this “another day” approach to writing to give context to what might at first appear as an impulsive, seemingly disjointed journaling. I trust that clarity will prevail as both writing and reading progress.
Why? It Feels Appropriate
I am writing because it feels appropriate. I am treating this exploration, this drafted, written art piece as another piece of the puzzle, another significant aspect of the journey. Rather than treating the writing as merely an opportunity to attempt to be clever or to develop some kind of product, I view this undertaking as an opportunity to integrate some form of spiritual intelligence into this journey. I understand the intellect will be involved in producing a reasonable, interesting, informative document yet it is my focus that intellectual attention not dominate the writing process.
I trust that the appropriate expression and format will… in time… be revealed. In the interim as I write, I will do my best to listen deeply, using more of the elusive senses available to me, within me.
As I look over the compiled material I feel good about various parts, yet the readability in the format as written does not yet appear as fully cohesive. I am working on that.
The reader may soon come to recognize the approach to the writing has striking similarities to the approach to the sculpting of the soon be discussed “Confirmation” sculpture.
“I write a little, just as I carved a little. I revealed the fresh wood surface, smoothed and rounded the rough and jagged edges feeling those actions to be comfortable, appropriate, while at the same time having no idea as to what the finished piece was to be about”.
Similarly, in the approach to writing there may very well be a necessity for leaping, for plunging in. With the sculpting of the “Confirmation” sculpture piece the decision to plunge in presented a mental struggle (details to follow) along with much delay prior to the decision to proceed making of the opening without knowing “for sure”. Frustration, anxiousness and despair eventually pushed, or possibly pulled the process over the edge.
I thought initially that a brief outline was going to be straight forward yet I I’ll add something here. My notes, as one might notice, contain both longer and shorter, as well as alternative versions of events and descriptions. I will be including each, and possibly a few other versions, other perspectives, and other impressions.. I am finding that I am dealing with continuous shape changing in this current sculpting process, with the writing, and generally in life itself. The shape changing appears to continue here. I am not yet able, despite my best initial intentions, to imagine this narrative unfolding in a tightly straightforward manner. I anticipate there will be a good deal of skipping around. I have decided to, at least temporarily accept this approach. I will do my best to have this narrative unfold rather than unravel. I remind you in advance that this narrative is taking place at the edge of reason.
To the Writing
Going back to the outline, I realize that “The Introduction” lacks chronological order”. Such are the challenges of an unfamiliar sculpting medium. An Introduction or two may provide more clarity.
Again from journal notes,
At times, I jotted down various attempts at introductions.
A Journey at the Edge of Reason
“An Introduction”
A journey at the edge of reason
A remarkable journey
I shall remark
This is a journey that takes place at the edge of reason, at the very fuzzy edge. This fuzzy edge is precisely where we, Humanity needs to go.
To be a united group of humans, Humanity would do well to, more precisely, it is imperative that Humanity move forward united.
My personal goal is to, through the telling of a story about carving driftwood contribute successfully in assisting Humanity to become progressively more aligned with Humanity’s most beautiful vision of what it desires to be, to have each person find their unique gifts, and with those gifts take actions toward a common vision.
Now isn’t that a challenge?!
I offer here an alternative introduction
Perspectives on Artful Creativity
A Shaping of Awareness
Perspectives on Artful Creativity
Shaping and reshaping our relationships with
ourselves, others, and the planet
Expanding the limitations of our current perceptions