Additional Speculation

Speculation as to the nature of intuitive resolution has developed. I express the statement again maybe in an attempt that the notion sink in a little deeper. Intention may be influencing the occurrence of events beyond linear reality.

Intention, begins as a mental construction. Intention is similar to a question requiring resolution. The intent is to come up with resolution to the mental tension and becomes tangible as intention is described as words. Intention becomes expression of tangible elements requiring resolution. In-tensions have become intention.

Giving verbal recognition to the intention provides some reassurance, a form of personal validity to the notion that intention is respected by the mind as non whimsical. Internalized ongoing passion as well, plays a vital role. Intention is relevant to the person’s passion to resolve it. The intention has been assigned relevance as an ongoing priority. The mind is now alert to subconsciously scan for relevant incoming sensory data, for resonant compatibility with the intention.

Tuned sub-conscious listening, intuitive listening is practiced as the volume on active thinking is turned down. Intuitive listening allows for a quiet mental space for sensory notifications of harmonically resonating intuitive expression.

Another clue to understanding may be hidden in plain sight.

I contemplate the concept of a “point” as defined or described as “That which is not.” A point, described as not having width, length or height.

I, with very limited knowledge of such things surmise that this point would probably have no mass.

Might it fallow that this point could be capable of infinite infinite acceleration?

E equaling mass times acceleration?

No mass, thus allowing infinite acceleration?

I leave that subject to the experts. This may be significant this point of intention, as intention appears in some way to be connecting with the realm of the Infinet. This intangible point may possess quantum properties. Intuitive expression coalescing as resolution, becoming tangibly available within our linear reality.

Elements of response from the Infinet are key to action (to act upon). The serendipitous occurrences lend appropriate support for movement toward resolution.

The resolving elements are born out of potentiality as the resonance is given meaning.

As the elements of resolution appear to manifest from beyond our linear frame of time, arrival of such resonant elements are not restricted by constraints of time. Appropriate placement, manifests in what appears to mortals as the past. As a significant element, the ear bone being located many years previous to becomes a beautifully appropriate element of resolution in the present of our linear appearing reality. This to me presents an extraordinary, yet a plausible explanation, allowing humans to be participants in the creation of elements of their reality.

This is a mind blowing head trip for myself as a novice intuitive creativity exploring human having been till now unconscious to the possibility of out-of-worldly incidents such as this taking place as I experience my day to day linear appearing reality.

Until only recently I have been of the impression I was dealing with a non fiction compilation of expression. Now, It is sounding like material of a science fiction novel.

I choose to relax, allowing, at least temporarily, an alternate approach to my perspective of reality.

Contemplation Continues