How Does Humanity Go About Observing Itself

What will it mean and require for humanity to carefully observe itself? In essence soul-searching is required. As some readers/experiencers might detect from their initial visceral response to that last statement involving, “soul-searching'”is that “soul-searching” is not currently a common topic of mainstream conversation. Observations of the way things are proceeding on the planet present indications that modifications and expansions to the way we approach life are in order. As we proceed, as we shift responsibility from others toward ourselves we find places we have neglected to look and other places we have needed to go.

The act of observing ourselves and then the action of applying our observations as doable actions are major topics to be explored. There are infinite ways of observing and more ways than that to apply the observations.

Humans, both collectively and as individuals have a challenging task at hand. The task requires all the resources at our disposal and resources we have hardly begun to imagine. Most Importantly, humanity will have to be particularly creative. Current perspectives on creativity and personal introspection point toward directions creativity might take to meet the challenges facing the planet. This material is not an attempt to identify nor to clarify all aspects of creativity nor is this a thesis on the definitive nature of, nor the precise mechanisms of creative ideation.

Consider instead the concept of humans choosing to make ‘”good choices.” Now consider humans choosing to make particularly good choices. Now, go for the gold and consider humans striving for excellent choices. Better than that, consider not only “striving” for excellent choices, consider humans choosing excellence. To choose to excel, we will have to be excellence. So how do we be excellence? We will get to that.

By the way, for all the questions that are being brought up here there are already excellent answers already available in the world today.

It is up to humans as individuals, to birth within themselves, the will combined with the intention to do their very best today to make this moving target, the planet, the very best it can be, both today and tomorrow and those questions will avail themselves with particularly appropriate resolutions. The answers will literally materialize as human intention sincerely matters and, as continuing expansions of awareness prevail.

There are times to take care of yourself and times to be taking care of others. There are no set rules. It is different for everyone just as there are farmers and there are shopkeepers, and there are people in hot countries and people in cool countries. It is up to each of us and all of us to find ourselves and our way. There will be those that assist us and those that we might at first be perceived as hindering us. We are each at a different stage of our understanding and at a different stage of expression.

Tolerance will assist us yet persistence to move through obstacles while maintaining our highest vision for ourselves and others will most successfully guide our passage. Gather together those of like mind, like presence, and like abilities. The strength and the power of the gathering will exponentially expand to meet the challenge.