Imagine An Amazing Mind

Imagine a mind much like your own, yet utilizing additional, refined, amazing characteristics. Imagine an intuitively active mind that has the ability to consciously express intention with acute awareness, and, in doing so, to transmit via a signature of specific vibrations, personal intention that sincerely matters.

The transmitted intention is directed toward and connects with a vast field of vibrating potential somewhere beyond the reasoning mind.

From that vast field of vibrating potential, a particularly appropriate, simple potential, a potential that would move you toward resolving the tension of the transmitted personal intention, will reciprocally vibrate. This response radiates with a harmonically resonant signature. The resonant, potential resolution creatively attaches itself to something, or some situation, becoming an appropriate resonating something (the possibilities are infinite), somewhere within a field of influence available to the expressor of the original intention.

Although the communicated resonant potential communication arrives in an unpredictable form and is deposited among an infinite variety of forms, that original expressor’s mind, that amazing mind, has trained itself to be open to detect, in even unpredictable forms, the presence of harmonically resonant expression.The processes inherent to “amazing mind” are very similar to the processes of both conscious and subconscious thinking mind yet are able to access a vaster field of possible resolution than that available to thinking mind. Normal thinking mind tends to focus on diverse local sources of experiential data. The intuitive transmitter of intention has infinitely greater access to possibility and is therefore able to detect particularly appropriate, and often relatively simpler expressions of response to the intentions that sincerely matter to the transmitter of the intention. The mind of original expresser of intention is fine tuned to listen for and to recognize resonant vibration and to focus attention toward that resonance.

That amazing mind maintains an openness to listening, both consciously and subconsciously, for any resonance that may in some way be acting as a vehicle for vibrational resolution. Upon detecting resonance, the receptive mind sifts through previously acquired, experiential data to locate, to give meaning and relevance to the resonant expression.

The mind’s artful approach incubates expression along with personal data in order to connect, to construct, and to express intuitively relevant information.

To a mind unfamiliar to the workings of “amazing mind,” these concepts may appear to be confusing, possibly daunting, or perhaps sheer crap. Relax. Details will be explored and explained as this journey unfolds.


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