What if you could tap into a mega computer
that has the capacity to respond to you,
and deliver,
make available to you,
responses relevant
to your attentions and intentions?
Said in another way:
What if
a change in the electrical field of mind
influences a magnetic field of knowing?
What if
being in the moment of now
while holding a non-locality of mind,
tuning for resonance
while holding intention
and belief,
allows access to
particularly appropriate expression
through which transformation
of expression into information
provides opportunity for coinciding,
incident-appropriate insight
to transform insight into creative action
toward resolution of intention?
Yes, I do believe this is going to take a little bit of explaining, and yes, a good deal of patience. We will work on this together. I would not have put myself through all this effort if I suspected these insights would be of little value.
Although in the past the written word has not normally served as my chosen medium of artistic expression, the writing will serve as a personal exercise in patience and perseverance, responding to the unfamiliar medium while consciously practicing intuitive listening.