Making Sense of the World

By example I offer here a slightly different perspective written on another day.

Early life resulted in my developing an impression of having an understanding of the workings of the world, the way the world operated, and the way one makes one’s way in the world. That, it turns out, was a rather naive impression. As that impression falls away, another impression begins to fill the void. The workings of the world seem to make very little sense at all. The world does appear to be a beautiful, wild, crazy, amazing experience nonetheless. How do I proceed? What do l believe? How do I operate? What will serve as the foundation of my reality?

I recognize that this state of mind is presently in flux, a state of transition. I have often asked myself, “Why do I want to share this material? Why do I feel compelled?”

Throughout the exploration, the answer, and even the question, has reformed in various shapes, appropriate in that the subject matter is very much about shape changing and transformation.

The experiences associated with a group of sculptures and the sculpting process have been remarkable, far beyond any expectations I might have had. The journey has been profound, humbling, amazing, beautiful, inspirational, awesome and wondrous.

On another level, to share the choosing and picking up of driftwood, the carving away and shaping of some of it, the smoothing of parts, the finishing of surfaces, the describing of the experiences, the impressions, and the meanings I have come to ascribe to the experiences: is this worthy of sharing?

At some level, I feel there is something in this narrative that might contribute to the future of our planet. Yes, the material I do choose to somehow articulate and share, I am now writing for others, others that might be experiencing, questioning, providing meaning, or wondering about their experiences, or wondering about life itself. I write to serve as a reminder that yes, there are others beyond themselves on the planet, somewhere, pondering the amazingness of it all, and desiring to make some positive contribution to the all and the everything. Hellooooooo out there!

Sharing is about giving, giving form, giving tangibility, information expressed.

On yet another level I am putting this material together for myself as a means of further examining aspects of my experiences. I choose to give the experiences meaning and I choose the meaning, the understanding to give to these experiences…or…possibly the meaning chooses me?