Pondering Sporting Events as Metaphor

More pondering.

Pondering, of all things, the human fascination, the significantly vast interest in group sporting events.

I wonder if humans, in watching these events, recognize at a subconscious level the beauty of unity of action. Might there be a subconscious connection, possibly a longing for the experience of humanity in unity?

The spectators return again and again as their underlying feeling of disunity in other aspects of life remains. This unconscious unease might be translated as human spirit within not accepting compromise. Since unconscious desire for unity is not being satisfied, an underlying essence of spectator attention remains elusive, unresolved and unobserved.

Intense spectator interest is not necessarily a negative thing. It might be interpreted as an impressive stage in the evolutionary process, a little like beginning to crawl. As each moment begins to be recognized as progress toward walking, well, yahoo! We are on our way toward unity. Progress is happening, slowly, ever so slowly. Humans are but infants within our earthly human experience. It is now with increasing awareness time to step up the pace!