A note on being even more reasonable.
We just might want to open up to expanding our perceptions.
On becoming more reasonable.
An intuitive means of perception,
a powerful yet underutilized approach.
It appears
That in our haste to live our lives, we strive to be predominantly reasonable and practical.
We tend to describe “sensible” as synonymous with “reasonable” and “practical.”
To recognize and honor the subtleties of “sensible” is to go beyond the common boundaries of reason.
To be sensible
be reasonable.
To be sensible
be practical.
To be sensible
be able to make use of our senses.
To be sense able
is to be able to rely on our senses,
more of our senses.
In the honoring of our senses,
more of our senses,
we have opportunity
to include the honoring of our intuitive sense.
To honor the intuitive becomes reasonable.
This is a minor change in perception
Yet a major change in our breadth of perception.
“What, in practical terms, does this ‘honoring the intuitive’ mean?” the intellect asks.
Perhaps, begin by demonstrating respect for that which is perceived or learned without conscious reasoning, and by demonstrating respect for that which is perceived in manners beyond subconscious reasoning.
“How might this be achieved?”
First, we allow ourselves to be open to the possibility of intuitive listening and with it, intuitive expression. Acknowledge that intuition by its very nature and definition is not verifiable by our conditioned reasoning or by scientific method. Intuition has been described as “a direct knowledge or awareness of something without conscious attention, or a direct knowledge or awareness of something without conscious attention and reasoning; non-intellectual perception or apprehension.”
Observe that this intuition is subtly different from our subconscious reasoning.
Next we provide ourselves an environment conducive to inner listening. Initially, a prime quality of this environment would be that of subdued outer stimulus, a quiet place.
Understand and accept that this is not primarily a place to direct thinking. This a place not to direct thinking. This is a place for inner listening.
Take time.
Listen inside.
Give attention to the moment of Now, Now!