By no stretch of the imagination do I view this writing exploration as any kind of definitive truth, more as an opportunity to stimulate discussion and contemplation, an opportunity for conversation. Positive action as well would be a beautiful thing.
Not surprisingly, the journey, the sculptures, and the journaling are very much about shape changing; this current writing shares similar attributes. Trust in the listening process is paramount for me the compiler. Attempts at clever thinking will remain subdued. I as the writer have an added challenge in that I am recognizing that I must become the reader, the experiencer, as well as being myself during the development of this “writing sculpture.” It is important to me that I experience the reader’s journey and that the reader’s experience mine. I am at times a little overwhelmed. I step away for a time, often to do something practical around the house, then step back and calm myself to begin again, to focus attention, to again be the sculptor of the writing, listening for cues to follow through this jungle of words.
The “Shaping of Awareness Journey” reveals itself as an evolving pattern, a beautiful unfolding in a journey of insight and revelation. The sculptures serving as a metaphorical, a visual and a tactile expression of that journey.
The intention here is to present this material in a manner such that the open-minded, vicarious experiencer becomes present within both the wood sculpting journey and my expressions of the sculpting journey.
By revealing the perspective of the sculptor, the explorer, this narrative may allow readers the opportunity to experience the outcome of exploration, to vicariously release their grip on going where they might have thought they wanted to go, and instead to be moved to transformation, and possibly to find sufficient confirmation to further open themselves to expanded awareness and expanded possibilities.
I trust that, potentially, humans have the awareness to choose the appropriate tools and the wisdom to use those tools wisely. The will to act remains another matter.
Visualizing the similarities between the successful intuitive sculpting experience and various stages of the writing experience provides incentive that the writing, too, utilizing an intuitive approach, has the potential to develop into a beautiful and an appropriately expressive written sculpture. My current belief and values provide the incentive to carry on despite not knowing the outcome for sure. The writing proceeds with an attempt to compose intuitively while incorporating a low level of reasoned thinking.
An intuitively sensitive approach to sculpting and writing has the potential to enable more of the senses to provide enhanced creative expression. We shall see.
Ironically, utilization of the intellect is not to be neglected.