Another day, another perspective.
harmonic resonance
responds to the energy of your beliefs.
Passion has energy.
Intuitive listening
is the opening to connecting with resonance,
a listening for
vibration in harmony with beliefs
and intentions.
Intuitive expression
will come together in form,
in a formation to be translated into information.
You are both receiver and transmitter.
Formation is fragile
and has the capacity to arrive in any of an infinite number of possible forms.
Proof of validity of intentional connectedness between originating intention and coinciding expression is as yet intangible.
As well
resonant information must be nurtured
as must intuitive listening and intuitive expression skill sets.
Humans are ultimately responsible for manifestation
of intention into the tangible.
Holding resonant intention contributes powerfully to the manifesting of tangible matters.
Belief matters.